Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Quilting in a Winter Wonderland
I'm sitting at the pc, but heading up to the sewing grotto in a few minutes. Looking out the window I'm remembering a song by John Denver...
"It's cold, and it's getting colder.
It's grey and white and winter all around.
And oh I must be getting older, 'cause all this snow
Is trying to get me down".

I think you all know what I'm talking about. We don't get much snow here in England. I used to get it more often in North Carolina. It's lovely to watch from inside, but...Winter's are long here. It seems they last from Nov to August with all the rain there has been the last few years. Hoping it will be a good summer. I need the sun on my face and on my back as I work in the garden. I need to see the little shoots of new flowers and veg as they poke up toward the sun. I need to poke up toward The Son myself. Like the plants, I've needed this darkness and this cold to make my spirit long for the sun, The Son and his blessings. OH my I've gone of on a spiritual tangent again. This has stopped being a quilting moment and turned into another gripe about the dark night of the soul...ooops!

So, I'm hoping the crummy weather will keep people at home and I will be able to get some quilting done this weekend. I know I'm working on Sunday, but it's only three hours....I wanna quilt!!!!! I've got too many projects to sit on my back side. Guess I should get off this pc!
Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. I too have loads of things I should be sewing Kim, they will all get done in their own good time. We cannot do it all at once. Little and often, more often than little if you can :-)
