Thursday, 5 February 2009

How many UFO (un-finished objects) can I work on at one time? I'm testing my limits here. 1.) I have a quilt for my step-daughter on the design wall and strips for it on hangers dangling down from the book shelf running half way around the room. 2.) I have a quilt at work for people to sign for a sick co-worker. 3.) There is a 1000 pyramid quilt half put together and the back ground fabric waiting to be cut hanging on the back of my chair. 4.) a baby quilt (one of six I have to make...wish people would stop doing "it" for a while, till I can catch up) on the book shelf, needs sandwiching and quilting. 5.) my batik fan quilt...not enough done on it to count as really started since I tossed the centre section away after I screwed it up two nights ago.

Hoping this weekend, people will leave me alone to work. I'm just going to tell Dave I'm working and if company come by..they can come up stairs to visit. Or he can play host. Putting my foot down!!!!! on the sewing machine peddle and going to get to it.

If anyone needs me...I'll be in the quilting cavern, the grotto of my creativity. It needs to be in a basement I suppose to be a cavern...oh well....truth, I'll be in the box room a tiny little room at the top of the stairs, struggling to keep it neat enough to work in as I finish at least one project this weekend.

Work has asked me to put in more hours as we are short-handed. I was hired for 29.5 hours. I put in two extra on a Tuesday night. I work one Saturday and one Sunday a month and for the last two weeks I've worked extra hours on Wednesday. I've been told I won't get paid over time for the extra week day hours untill they reach 37. Allison works 35 hours per week, she get's overtime after that....hmmmmm.....all animals are equal, but some are more equal than other?
Not sure if I can physically do more hours. I get too tired. Will have to wait and see.
Off to the grotto for an hour of sewing pre-work day.

1 comment:

  1. Take advice from an old un Kimmers, don't do it, it just isnt worth it, plus the more you do the more they will want you to do. Stick to your contracted hours, unless of course you need the dosh.
    Good for you, push the pedal to the metal as they say. Go girl. I'm with you.
    I too wish they would stop doing 'it' all round the world if you ask me. Our poor planet.
