Friday, 6 February 2009

Equal Oppourtunity

Watching a show on Folk Music on BBC four tonight. Seeing the iconic figures of my youth and young adulthood. Looking back on the history and path sometimes self chosen, sometimes chosen for us by the twists and turns of the world we grew up in. Must be getting old, I'm thinking of how good those days were music wise, and thinking how kids now don't understand the struggles, battles and hardships of those days. I look at what is considered iconic now...Girls Aloud? Sugar Babes? Please! I walked miles, knocked on doors and brow-beat politicians to get them to pass the Equal Rights amendment, in the US. Didn't pass back in the 70's. Looking at what these young ladies are doing for fame and fortune, I doubt they even know what it means. I resent the fact they call these groups "BANDS". A band plays musical they? NO! They strut their stuff, beautiful stuff I will agree. However, what happens when age and life takes it's toll? Yes, they have the right to flaunt as much skin as they want...but the point is a woman's talent shouldn't be judged by how short her skirt, or how big her chest is. A woman's value should be judged by who she is. Not how she looks. Working for the same pay as the guy at the next desk, doing the same job, not demoted if you go home for a few weeks to give birth and get your child settled.
I'm off on another tangent, sorry. Germaine Greer, a woman I hold in such high esteem views Quilting as a waste of a woman's time. I find this appalling. She says textiles deteriorate and so are not of value. If historically men were the quilters, would she say the same thing? I think not. I believe Equal Oppourtunity means, what ever we choose to do has value. Whether it be a stay at home mom, or a working mom. A CEO or a Scout Leader. A writer or a quilter. They are both creative, one might warm your soul to read it, the other might warm your body as you read the book!

1 comment:

  1. Go girl, I agree with you. How dare GG say that. Good job I don't meet her.
    Are you likely to be on PP site soon Kim, we miss you like mad. lol jan xx
