Tuesday, 17 February 2009

quilted with love

I made a quilt for my grandson last year. Joseph is now 15, a straight A student and just a great kid. I'd like him even if he wasn't my own flesh and blood. OK, he's not only my flesh and blood, I think he's my heart. A wonderful guy. Smart, funny, sensitive. Loves his little sisters to bits. Their first words were...Joe. When he learned to read at five, he used to come home from school, and while his mom made them all a snack, he'd sit on the floor, put the baby on his lap and with his other sister next to him, he would read to them. Not because his mom wanted him to practice his reading, but because he loved reading and wanted his sisters to love it too.

Back to the quilt. I called the quilt El-Shaddai. Listening to Michael Card as I worked on it, the quilt grew of it's own accord. As I worked on it, I kept picturing a waring Angel, standing beside Joseph. The angel looked like a tribal warrior. This quilt I believe is his sheild. I think God has a special purpose for Joseph, as he does for all of us. I feel honoured that I'm a part of Joe's life and God's plan.
Joe wants to come to England and live with us for three months, going to school for the first half term of the school year. He'll be a year 11. Dave is apprehensive of it. Claiming Joe will be bullied, not fit in, etc. Dave works at the school system and is planning on retiring this year. He says he should be there to help Joe. Dave is I think clutching at straws, wanting to keep the status quo at home. Not have to share "Dave's world" with anyone. Dave wants to be the centre of attention at all times. When someone comes to visit...it's all about him. My thoughts and opinions are met with eye rolling or talked over entirely. I am both resentful and am angred by Dave's attitude about Joe visiting. Joe would want to go to school here if Dave was a plumber, his being there is a non-issue. That might be part of the problem. At anyrate. I'm digging my heels in.
I want Joe to have on last chance at being a kid. When he's at his mom's home, he tends to be the parent (four younger siblings), preparing breakfast or lunch. Admonishing the girls to clean up, or behave. At his dad's he's in school, working part time and his step mom works a lot so she expects Joe and his sisters to do their chores and cook their own meals. I want Joe to be self-sufficient, but I'd like him to know what it's like to have a bit of a break before the real world catches him in it's claws. I want to quilt his world with love for a few weeks. At 15, he's not going to have time for this old girl for long. Hot young babes with long legs will soon be his women of choice. Studying at University, working and making a life for himself are not too far away.
Another thing is this. My Dave has the chance to make a really good impression on Joe. He's never had a grandfather. My ex is just that an ex, ex-husband, ex-father and example of what a mind on drugs and drink can turn into. Dave loves to fish, he could take Joe fishing. Dave can build with wood like a champion...he could teach Joe some tricks of the trade. Dave knows about trains, not that Joe has an interest in them, but he might after spending time with Dave. Why is he so reticent over Joe's visiting? I'm going to have to dig my heels in. It's not going to be pretty (I need a pedicure).

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